Lavender Spagyric Essence$36.00PriceSize1/2oz(15ml)QuantityAdd to CartBuy NowCorrespondencePlanet: Mercury & Neptune Day: Wednesday Element: Air & Water Organ(s): Nervous Systsem Ingredients Lavender Spirit Lavender Lavender Mineral Salts Recommended UsageAdd 3-5 drops to 1 ounce of water or directly under the tongue 1-3 times/day. Benefits May Help Improve Sleep. May help anxiety and stress Calming the nervous system Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate. Could Relieve Asthma Symptoms. Lessens Menopausal Hot Flashes. headaches chemotherapy side effects acne burns eczema and dry skin wound healing mood issues CautionKeep away from children. Consult doctor if pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult doctor if taking prescribed medication. These statements are not approved by the FDA.